Paint it Black Wednesday Addams Version Violin Tutorial

Paint it Black is a song first recorded by The Rolling Stones in 1966. It has since been covered by many other artists but rose to fame with the release of Netflix’s show Wednesday. In this tutorial, you will learn how to play the Wednesday Addams version of Paint it Black note-by-note on the violin. For this tutorial to be most effective, download the sheet music to follow along.

This version of the song does call for some advanced techniques such as shifting to 2nd and 3rd position, double stops, fast string crossings, and spiccato.

The key signature indicates that the tune is in the key of either C Major or A Minor because there are no sharps or flats, but I believe it is really in the key of F Minor (four flats- B, E, A, and D) due to the accidentals.

Watch the tutorial for a note-by-note tutorial on how to play Paint it Black Wednesday Addams Version on the violin.

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