Vivaldi Summer, Movement Three

The third movement of Vivaldi’s Concerto in G Minor (aka Summer) is such a fun piece both to play and to listen to. Vivaldi composed "The Four Seasons" between 1720 and 1723 while employed at “El Pio Ospedale della Pieta,” which was a girls school dedicated to orphaned girls. He worked as the Maestro de Violino (violin teacher) there and wrote some of his most famous works during that period of time.

This piece is in the key of G minor, meaning that there are 2 flats- B flat and E flat. This piece should be played at a very fast tempo (around 138 BPM), and the best way to practice challenging fast passages is in rhythms. There are also many quick string crossings, lots of shifting, and the use of double stops. With longer pieces such as this, it’s easiest to break them up into sections and practice different parts each day, rather than always starting at the beginning. Click here to download the sheet music and watch the tutorial below.


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